Category: United States Trip

Avenida las Americas

What Christmas is like in the United States

Christmas in the United States Christmas in the United States can be said to be a bit boring but it is loaded with many family moments that enrich the people who live here, for most foreigners it ends up being just another day. First of all here Christmas starts exactly in December, it is not like in Colombia or...

United States Aerospace Museum

Want to learn English for free?

I am fortunate to be able to understand people in English and what is even better is that I didn’t pay a single peso to learn it. Do you want to know how to learn English without paying? Nowadays thanks to internet technology it is practically possible to do anything we want and thanks to this we can learn...

Playas en New Jersey

A lake in New Jersey

A lake in New Jersey New Jersey is a state in the United States that is not known for many good things. The best known in this state may be the Jersey Shore, which is a beach (not very nice and you have to pay USD 8 to enter in the summer). Also, there was a reality show that...

Halloween at Six Flags

Halloween at Six Flags My birthday came and although this time I didn’t share it with many of my loved ones I had a great day. I went to Six Flags and to be honest before coming to the United States I had no idea what it was but I was marked for life. Six Flags is one of...

Wonderful Austin – Texas

Austin – Texas I started my journey through the south of the United States. The idea was to fly from New Jersey to Austin-Texas, then New Orleans-Louisiana, Atlanta-Georgia and finish with Nashville-Tennessee and after the latter city, take a flight back to New Jersey. Speaking of money, everything was very affordable, both in terms of tickets and accommodation. A...