Category: Central America Trip


Frontera Corozal, Mexico – Guatemala

Border crossing Mexico – Guatemala. Frontera Corozal We made the gruelling journey from Palenque in Mexico to Flores in Guatemala. Nowadays it is cheaper and easier to organise your own transport than to pay a travel agency to do it for you. However, as we had decided to go to Flores the next day and at the last minute...

Chichén Itza - México

The incredible of Chichén Itza

Chichen Itza is maybe one of the most famous sites for Mayan ruins and one of the most visited tourist destinations in Mexico due to its proximity with the popular places Cancun and Playa del Carmen….
Chichen Itzá es quizás una de las ruinas Mayas más famosas de todo Centro América. Su cercanía con Cancún y Playa del Carmen…

Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guanajuato

A very authentic city, Guanajuato

Located about 1½ hours by bus from San Miguel de Allende or 4 hours from Guadalajara, the small city of Guanajuato was one of our favorite stops in Mexico…
Ubicada a 1½ horas de San Miguel de Allende en bus o a 4 horas de Guadalajara, la pequeña ciudad de Guanajuato fue una de nuestras paradas favoritas en México…

San Miguel de Allende park

San Miguel de Allende in Mexico

San Miguel de Allende is an extremely charming and romantic city. Recently named a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is located 4 hours from Mexico City to the northwest and is definitely worth a visit…

Esta ciudad es demasiado encantadora y romántica. Recién nombrada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por el UNESCO, está ubicada a 4 horas del DF por el noroeste y sí que vale la pena visitar…