Eating FROG in Juayúa – El Salvador

Juayúa – El Salvador

Juayúa is a destination worth visiting. It is located in the mountains in the north of El Salvador. We easily took a bus from Santa Ana which dropped us off a few blocks from the Juayua park. On weekends they have an excellent gastronomic fair that you will love.

The amount of dishes on offer is impressive and they range from ANCA DE RANA DE to a CONEJO AL AJILLO. The frog is delicious, at least that’s what we were told. I tried a small demonstration but was not able to try a full one. It is very famous in the whole region.

  • The good thing about this fair is that the town is fired up with energy for this day.
  • There are many food stands all around the park and the park is filled with many activities.
  • Many people from other cities visit Juayua on Saturdays or Sundays to enjoy a family day out.

Music also plays an important role on the day we were there as there were several artists (not recognised by Salvadorans). The town is relatively small but if you go for a weekend you will have plenty to do and see. There are also a lot of handicrafts for sale which I liked a lot.

The town is very quiet during the week so if you are going to go it is best to go to the food fair. It was quite fun to see this town full of music, happy people in the streets and food, lots of food.

We stayed at the hostel: Anahuac which was comfortable but we also visited the Casa Mazeta hostel which I also thought was a good option.

Take a look at the photos of this great place:

El SalvadorSerpiente El Salvador Serpiente El SalvadorGastronomía de El Salvador Gastronomía de El SalvadorGastronomía de El SalvadorPaisajes El Salvador Calles de El SalvadorEl Salvador

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